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From The Vice Chancellor's Desk

Dear All,

It gives me a sense of pride and pleasure to serve Maharaja Agrasen Himalayan Garhwal University (MAHGU), Uttarakhand and perform as The Vice Chancellor. MAHGU was established in year 2016 with a aspiration to educate and motivate the students of hilly areas of Garhwal and Kumaon to get job oriented professional, technical, higher education, and entrepreneurship skills so that students can start their own enterprise, business or industries, which may lead to development of their own place of origin with the available resources and stop migration from their region.


This University has certainly proved as an asset in the region and our country, as well as to catering to the multifaceted educational needs of the many. The philosophy of the University includes offering multiple entry & exit programmes. Also aims at student centric curriculum with power of language as per the guidelines of UGC.


The New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 implemented in India for the development of the students social, intellectual, emotional, ethical, moral and aesthetic facets of an individual in an integrated manner which prepares them for transformation of the Country and make India as a "Vishwa Guru".


The Use of technology and the flexible system with traditional values prepares students to become successful in life and eventually becoming responsible citizens and contribute to the society and country at large. Congenial learning atmosphere of MAHGU encourages learners to develop their personality holistically with the help of conceptual knowledge, practical training, behavioural practices and keeping themselves fit by practising Yoga for a healthy and spiritual life style.

Words of Swami Vivekananda gives us the mantra for development: "Take up one Idea, make that one idea your life, think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea." Let the brain muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea and just leave other idea alone. This is way to success that is the way great spiritual giants are produced


MAHGU has strategic advantages of natural environment absolutely pollution free, noise free, "Hill-Top" lush green campus with incredible amenities, well connected with National Highway. Our strength is a blend of experienced and comparatively young Faculty Members, who are committed to educate, train and guide students with a mission to nurture them globally.


We are currently imparting formal education till doctoral level in selected areas of strength, facilities and infrastructure to be created for the best possible non-formal education, To Support Skill Development is also a mission. MAHGU has been set up as an Institution with diverse learning environment and with a vision to make it, one of the leading multidisciplinary Universities of the country acknowledged by global players.


Firstly, I congratulate to those students who have successfully completed their courses and received medal, degree, diploma and certificates in Convocation and joined further studies or professional and practical world. Secondly I welcome and congratulate all the stake holders, teachers and staff, students and the parents who have chosen to be associated with our University. I congratulate the promoters of the University for their Untiring Effort for establishment of the University and expecting best support for growth and development of the university. I am sure that you will feel proud on being integral part with us and make us equally proud with your academic excellence and achievements.

Wishing you to channelize positive energy for the best future endeavours.


"Prof. (Dr.) N.K. Sinha"