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Unfair means

  1. No candidate shall use unfair-means or indulge in disorderly conduct at, or in connection with the examinations. Explanation: Here the ‘candidate’ means an examinee taking an examination in a particular year and also includes every student on the Rolls of the University.
  2. (a) Unfair-means shall include the following:
    1. Making a false representation pertaining to the eligibility of the candidate to appear in the examination;
    2. Communicating or attempting to communicate with the Controllers of the University or any person of its office, or Superintendent of Examination, or any person connected with the conduct of examination, or with any paper-setter or examiner, with the object of finding out the name and address of the paper setter or examiner, or finding out the questions that have been set by the paper-setter or examiner, or with the object of influencing an examiner in the award of marks, or with the object of unduly influencing any one of them in the discharge of his duties in connection with the examination;
    3. Talking to another candidate, or to any unauthorized person inside or outside the examination room during the examination hours without the permission of a member of the supervisory staff, before handing over the answer-book to the room-superintendent;
    4. Giving or receiving assistance in answering the question papers to or from any other candidate! person in the examination hail or outside during the examination hours;
    5. During examination time having in possession or access to:
    6. Any paper, books, note or any other unauthorized material which has relevance to the syllabus of the examination-paper concerned.
    7. Any thing written on the inkpot cover, inkpot, scale, or any other instrument or on any kind of furniture or any other substance, which may have relevance to the syllabus of the examination- paper concerned;
    8. Anything written or signs made on the body of the candidate, on his clothes! garments, handkerchief, etc. which may have relevance to the syllabus of the examination-paper concerned;
    9. Anything written, or signs made on the admission card! question paper which have relevance to the syllabus of the examination-paper concerned;
    10. Swallowing or attempting to swallow, or destroying or attempting to destroy a note or paper or any other material, or running away with the material with the intension of destroying the evidence of using unfair-means, or being guilty of causing disappearance or destruction of any such material either by himself or with the assistance of any other person;
    11. Smuggling a question paper or an answer-book (main or supplementary) or part thereof into the examination room! Centre or out of it;
    12. Replacing or getting replaced an answer-book (main or supplementary) or part there of during or after the examination,
    13. Impersonating any candidate or getting impersonated by any person for taking the Examinations.
    14. Copying of a substantial part of any work! material without any acknowledgment by a candidate in his dissertation/thesis field- survey work;
    15. Tampering with records of an examination;
    16. Using any obscence or abusive language in his answer-book
    17. Cheating or attempting to cheat the UnIversity in any manner; and
    18. Any act or omission, by or on behalf of the candidate connected with the examination, whether prior to or subsequent to such examination or the result thereof which in the opinion of the Syndicate is ‘Unfair- means’.