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Entrance Examination

1.1 Nationality and Age 

Resident Indian or Non-Resident Indian (NRI), holder of PIO or OCI card issued by Government of India are eligible to apply for Maharaja Agrasen Himalayan Garhwal University Entrance Examination (MAHGUEE) .

Note: NRIs, holders of PIO or OCI card issued by Government of India who have not taken the HGUEE must apply under International student category only.

1.2  Eligibility: As prescribed on University Admission documents

(i) For Indian Nationals qualifying examination strictly from recognized Board /University

(ii) International Baccalaureate (IB) A-level with science in any International schools within

1.3 Direct Admission: To encourage and support students of exemplary talent, Maharaja Agrasen Himalayan Garhwal University offers direct admission to hill region candidates and scholarships (conditions apply) to ­ rank holder students of all the central and state boards in India. Top 100 rankers in state board, top rankers in each district of Uttarakhand have and exemplary sports persons at National and International level.

1.4 Additional Information

  1. It is the responsibility of the candidates to ascertain whether they possess the requisite eligibility for admission. Having been called for the entrance test / counseling does not necessarily mean acceptance of the eligibility
  2. Eligibility conditions such as the minimum percentage of marks / CGPA obtained by the candidate in the qualifying examination shall be as prescribed by the University from time to time. Note: The aggregate percentage of marks obtained in qualifying examination equivalent should be calculated up to 3 decimal points and should not be rounded off to the nearest integer. The admission offered to a candidate who has been provisionally admitted to a program will stand cancelled if he / she does not submit the relevant documents in original pertaining to admission (such as Marks Statements, Transfer Certi­ficate, Conduct Certi­ficate, etc.) to the Admissions Of­ficer before the date stipulated by the University.
  3. Admissions to various programs will however be subject to veri­fication of facts from the original certi­ficates / documents of the candidates. In case any discrepancy is noticed, even at a later point of time after admission, the management reserves all right to cancel the candidate’s admission and such a decision shall be ­final and binding on the candidate. Maharaja Agrasen Himalayan Garhwali University cannot be held responsible for any loss or damages arising out of such cancellations of admissions.
  4. The university reserves the right to add / delete programs depending on the viability to offer the same.
  5. Accommodation in the University hostels will be subject to availability and allocation will be done only after the payment of full tuition fees and enrollment.

Examination Schedule

1. All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts at Uttarakhand only.

2. MAHGUEE (UG&PG) – 2017 Schedule

  1. MAHGUEE (UG&PG) will be conducted on different centers prescribed. ( University Reserves right for cancellation of any entrance  Examination Center)
  2. Online Examination Date: 1st July, 2017 to 15th July, 2017
  3. Test Cities: Candidates have to carefully go through the relevant list of test cities and choose the place.
  4. Test sessions / slots: Candidates have to book their convenient test slots, subject to the availability of slots in a particular center / date
  5. The Centre of Examination and the session, once allotted to the candidate, shall not be changed under any circumstances. Note: While every effort will be made to allot a centre in the Test City opted by the candidate, the university reserves its right to allot a centre other than that of the candidate’s choice.

3. Entrance Examination Rules

  1. You are going to take a computer based online test at a workstation.
  2. You are requested to be present in the Test Centre 30 minutes before the starting time of the Test as specifi­ed in the admit card.
  3. Do not carry any of your belongings inside the exam centre including mobile phone, cellular phones, pagers, palm tops, blue tooth devices, or any electronic device which has the potential of misuse in cheating or unauthorized communication during the examination.
  4. You are required to produce your Hall Ticket and ID proof (which bears your photography and date of birth) at the registration desk without which entry will not be allowed.
  5. At the registration desk, your identity is veri­fied, Hall Ticket scanned, photograph captured and you are assigned to a computer.
  6. For working purpose a rough sheet will be provided at the workstation. All rough work will need to be done in this paper sheet and no additional material will be given for rough work.
  7. The administrator is authorized to dismiss you from the rest session for any of the following reasons:
    1. Creating disturbance
    2. Attempting to take the test on behalf of someone else
    3. Talking to other examinees
    4. Attempting to tamper with the computer system - either hardware or software
  8. If found with calculators, slide rules, pagers, cell phones, concealed microphones, wireless devices or any other material that may aid in answering questions
  9. In addition, speci­fic instructions mentioned by invigilators to be followed during the entrance examination.

4. Hall Ticket

  1. The Hall Ticket will be issued only to those eligible candidates who have submitted their application forms complete in all respects, on or before the last date as specifi­ed.
  2. The Hall Ticket will contain name, photograph and address of the candidate, address of the Test Centre allotted and test schedule.
  3. Hall ticket should be downloaded from candidate’s login / dashboard.
  4. The Hall Ticket once received should be carefully examined by the candidate. If any discrepancy is noticed it should immediately be brought to the notice of the Director, Admissions.
  5. No candidate will be permitted to attend the test without a valid Hall Ticket. The Hall Ticket should be presented to the invigilators for veri­fication.
  6. Candidate must not tamper with the Hall Ticket or alter any entry made therein after it has been authenticated.
  7. The Hall Ticket is not transferable to any other person. Impersonation is a legally punishable offence.
  8. The Hall Ticket is an important document. It should be preserved and produced at the time of counseling and admission. Hall Ticket not received due to application being incomplete: Maharaja Agrasen Himalayan Garhwal University does not take any responsibility to inform candidates whose applications are incomplete. Candidates are advised to double check that the application form is complete in all respects before posting.


  5. Results

  1. A merit list will be prepared based on the total marks secured in the MAHGUEE (UG&PG) 2017.
  2. The entrance examination results will be available on and also intimated through SMS / email.


 6. Admission Procedure:

  1. All Programs (UG &PG) offered during the Academic Year 2017-18 can be found from The list is indicative only. University reserves the rights to amend the list based on viability of running the programs.
  2. The examination result and counseling details will be published in the university website: and also intimated to the candidates through email.
  3. Academic tuition fees, hostel fees, mode of payment and the refund policies will be available in website


7. Discontinuance / Withdrawal from the Program

  1. A candidate who desires to leave the institution after joining the program will have to submit a ‘NO DUES’ certi­ficate issued by the competent authorities. This should be accompanied by the application for withdrawal and the original fee receipt
  2. The original certi­ficates will be returned only on production of ‘NO DUES’ certi­ficate in the prescribed form, obtained from the Administrative Of­fice.
  3. Authority: Head of the Institution.


Information and Entrance Center

Please note that the dates are only tentative and are not final. The post will be updated as soon as the dates are officially released.

Test Center and Their Center Code



Dehradun  101 Roorkee     102 Kashipur   103
Champawat    104 Rishikesh  105 Haridwar      106
Satpuli     107 Shri Nagar    108 Pokhra campus  109


Bhagalpur   111 Chapra    112 Darbhanga   113
Gaya 114 Munger 115 Muzaffarpur     116
Patna 117 Purnia   118 Samastipur    119
Siwan  110 --- --- --- ---


Bokaro Steel City 131 Dhanbad   132 Deoghar       133
Jamshedpur   134 Ranchi      135 --- ---

 Uttar Pradesh

Allahabad    184 Bareilly  185 Faizabad      186
Gorakhpur  188 Jhansi  189 Kanpur 190
Lucknow  191 Varanasi   194 --- ---

West Bengal &North East

Burdwan   151 Durgapur    152 Kolkata   153
Siliguri   154 Guwahati     155 New Bongai Gaon 156

Punjab, Himachal &Haryana

Amritsar 161 Ambala 162 Chandigarh   163
Kurukshetra   164 Ponta Sahib 165 Shimla   166